My Little Mouse

Tell me Arch , does your little mouse
Run fast all over the house
Or does it just wait
and anticipate
getting caught in the little cat’s mouth


It’s cert’nly not one to say “Squeek,”
And the mouth that it seeks will not “Eeek.”
The pussy’s mouth sought
Is moist and it’s taut
And certain to make MY knees go weak!


I was listening to “The Silver Tongued Devil” and hoping to soon hear that you’ll “Help Me Make it Through the Night”!


This was written in the old alt.jokes.limericks newsgroup

One of my limerick rivals, my cyber-sister Marty, played along with this one.

Don’t pick on our favoured Camilla –
My year had her outside the villa.
Oh God, what a blast.
Left all at half mast.
She said “Wow, it tastes like vanilla.!”

Ærchie Flashman

Flashman, indeed! You claim him,
That sneaky surveyor of quim?
His di’ry I’ve read
I think what he said
Are subjects quite fit for a lim!


My great-uncle Flash was a cad
With ladies he was quite a lad.
Despite his great shame
My hero became.
Is that why I’m evil and bad?



Down-Under is what I do like
With you above me, poised to strike.
With one single lunge
We’ll both take the plunge – – –
I may end with a teeth damaged psych!

So, tho the request may sound trite
And all of those teeth are a sight
So white and so strong
And fright’ningly long –
Be gentle when you take a bite

Buggering Mice


I know you’ll think I’m a louse
But lately I’ve found it just grouse
To use a new trick
And pleasure my dick
By carelessly fucking a mouse

You hold them in gloves made of velcro
Inserting yourself fairly slow
They stretch and they squeak,
Their ribs give a creak –
That’s when they will burst, don’t you know.

It works like a treat with most mice
And come when I’ve done it just thrice
I couldn’t care less
’bout all of the mess –
The cat licks it up in a trice.


 I’ve added some sexual spice
Tho you may not think I am nice
I’ve given up cows
(My New Yearly vows)
And taken up buggering mice.

I tried that ol’ cyber sex crap
But found I preferred just a nap
Till one day I found
Down there on the ground
A pair of white mice in a trap.


You’re better off buggering mice
Their bum is as tight as a vice
And don’t ever worry
About saying sorry
They never come back for it twice


I’m loving just buggering mice
They’re best when held in a vice
But always take care
With those over there
They bite and they’re covered in lice.


A Warning




The contents of this site have been rated “R” by some authorities and could be totally banned by others.


That should be enough warning for all those under 18

except for the 14 year old males

who have no discrimination anyway!


For the ladies it is as well to remember –

“Most women loathe limericks,
For the same reason that calves hate cookbooks!”


Just as an explanation, some of these limericks were written back in the 1990’s when News Groups were the in-thing.

Many of these efforts were written as part of a conversation on alt.jokes.limericks so sometimes there are other authors mentioned and quoted.
